Jordan Walker

Jordan Walker

Frontend developer and community builder from NYC 🇺🇸

Available For Work
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Setting vision, leadership, processes while directly participating in communications with clients such as eBay, Amazon, X, Twitch, Instagram, and many others.

2019 - 2021

Fullstack Developer at Medium Inc.

New York, NYC

Setting vision, leadership, processes while directly participating in communications with clients such as eBay, Amazon, X, Twitch, Instagram, and many others.

Setting vision, leadership, processes while directly participating in communications with clients such as eBay, Amazon, X, Twitch, Instagram, and many others.



There was a wizard engineer (we'll call him “Josh”) who worked for me a few years ago. His code was good. His PRs were quick.

Side Hustles

Tail Library

An easy-to-use components library based on Tailwind CSS.


A free frontend framework based on Tailwind CSS and Next.js.


Testimonial 01

Enrico Perry


If there's one investment that's really paid off, it's hiring a professional developer. I love the results I get every day.

Testimonial 02

Marta Lower

CTO, Vimeo

Thanks to Jordan, we were able to start our company in a matter of weeks. We have never been happier working with a freelancer.

Testimonial 03

John Kusac


If there's one investment that's really paid off, it's hiring a professional developer. I love the results I get every day.

Testimonial 04

Lara Springfield

CTO, IndieHackers

Thanks to Jordan, we were able to start our company in a matter of weeks. We have never been happier working with a freelancer.

Let's Connect